Finding Dollar with Easy


Are you thinking about opening a dollar store? If so, one of the most challenging parts of the whole process will be finding the right suppliers. While internet searches will present you with a huge assortment of companies claiming to provide the perfect dollar store items, it’s hard to know who you can trust. Then after selecting a company or two, you need to decide on the right dollar store items to sell in your store. But it’s not as easy as that. You need to find the merchandise your customers need and want. Otherwise you’ll end up with a store filled with old, outdated, dusty merchandise that does not sell.

Locating reliable suppliers is not as difficult as you might think. The challenge when first opening a dollar store is the fast turn around time you need after researching, investigating, and registering with the suppliers. There is the time it takes to create an order, submit and pay for that order, and then have it pulled, palletized and shipped to you. For this to happen quickly plan to spend some time every day following up to make sure everything is progressing as needed.

Don’t wait until you have located the suppliers to develop an outline of your first merchandise order. There are core dollar store items that must be ordered no matter what your final decision regarding suppliers. Jot those items down so you will remember them. Add to your list as you come across other items you must carry in your store. If you are having trouble coming up with initial order ideas consider using an experienced consultant to help. One way to do this yourself is to walk through one of two local dollar stores to get an idea what they sell. Use this as your seed list for must have items.

When opening a dollar store don’t allow your desire to open quickly to interfere with completing good due diligence. Thoroughly check out prospective suppliers before ever giving them an order. Be sure you ask others in the industry for their recommendations as well. Whenever possible start with a small order to test suppliers before committing to use them. This may not be possible if your grand opening date is fast approaching. In those cases give the larger orders to companies with rock solid references.

Opening a dollar store can be a very overwhelming experience. On the other hand a little pre-planning goes a long way toward eliminating the stress. Develop a basic initial merchandise order outline to make ordering dollar store items easier and less worrisome. Follow up with suppliers and freight haulers to make sure all the merchandise you need is present and on display for your grand opening event.

To your dollar store success!


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