WAO India, Big Bonus


Hi,Lots of user want to know about our payment base. They think this is a scam. But they are all wrong. All of users everyday erning lots of money from us.

We have two big advertise deal with SKY DEVELOPMENT & DomainOnAir till October, 2010. They paid us $0.15 per click. But till 8000 customer. So may be after 8000 subscriber we have to stop our new user registration section.
Actually before that they promote their site using google adwords. But may be everyone know, adword is very costly. So after 1 month waoindia advertise trial their earning was good and both two company decide to promote their site using our site. thats why till that date we can pay $0.10 per click.

Still for corporate customers our advertise rate is very high. But for small customers we decide to maintain a small rate just for promote our site more. those 500 or 1000 click is not a matter for us.

Also now we have a deal with clicksor and paypal.

We are Global Internet Marketting Sollution Pvt. Ltd,
Head Office : Texas. USA.
Branch Office : Bangalore, India.

Wish You All The Best.

Thanking You



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